The USS Quad Damage

Popcorn time!

I've recently made a few movies of some things in World of Warcraft. These movies are short so Nathan should't get hooked by watching them.

I’ve recently made a few movies of some things in World of Warcraft. These movies are short so nathan should’t get hooked by watching them. Also he has dialup so it’ll be a while between watching both of them.

One is called Enigma V Rajaxx and weighs in at approx. 4.3megs.

A higher quality version can be found here and is 8.7 megs.

The other is called Restoration Druid Crits and is slightly highest quality and comes in at 8.1 megs.

If your not too familiar with World of Warcraft the most interesting one is probarbly the first and smaller of the two. The other does a much better job at coordinating the music, scenes and action in each scene. Grated the damage numbers probarbly don’t mean a whole lot to the uninitiated.

Having uploaded these I also found some Quake movies I made ages ago.

Here’s the first which is a compliation of those games we had ages ago during a lan at Sunny’s. I called it Quake Noobage. 4.9 megs